Assignment 1: Lists and Stacks

Due 8 March , 19 pm
zip file of
necessary code and data and extract it to an
Assig1 folder
(eg, in a
COMP103 folder in your home folder).
It should contain templates for the Java programs that will be marked.
Important note about the style of your code
Unlike COMP 102, simply getting code that works may not give you full marks: if your code is written with bad or difficult to read style, you can lose up to 5%. Look at the
Java Style page for pointers on good style.
- DeShredder.java
- Sokoban.java (and any additional files you change or create for Sokoban)
Do not rename these files.
Part 1: DeShredder (Weight: 2/3)
Complete a program that allows a user to reconstruct a collection of
images of "shreds" (small square components of a page from a document) into the original document, by
first organising the shreds into horizontal strips of shreds, then ordering the
strips into a complete document.
The program will start by loading the shreds from a directory. You are given three
directories containing shreds of documents:
shreds0 contains shreds of
an image with coloured lines (the easiest to test your program), and
shreds2 contain parts of a program. Each directory contains a
sequence of candidate images
3.png, your
program needs to load the images from the directory by adding them to a list of shreds.
After loading the shreds in, the program should display the list of shreds along
the top of the window. In order to recover the original document, the user needs to
find appropriate shreds and organise them into horizontal strips,
then ordering these strips to recover the original document.

The user can use the mouse to drag a shred into the "working strip" (with the red border).
When one strip is complete, the user can use the "Complete Strip"
button to move the working strip into the list of completed strips displayed below
the working strip. When there are multiple completed strips, the user can drag the completed strips around
to reorder them, or move a completed strip back to the working strip row in order to
modify it.
- Complete load(...) to create the list of all Shreds in a directory.
- Complete rotateList() to rotate the list of all Shreds by one step to the left and redisplay.
- Enable the user to move Shreds from the list of all Shreds into the working strip, move Shreds around inside the working strip, and move Shreds in the working strip back to the list of all Shreds. (Complete doMouse(...) and define additional methods.)
- Complete shuffleList() to allow the user to shuffle the Shreds in the list.
- Complete the completeStrip method to move the working strip to the end of the list of completed strips and initialise a new working strip.
- Enable the user to change the order of the completed strips, and to move a completed strip back to the working strip (as long as the working strip is currently empty).
- This will add further option inside doMouse and probably some additional methods.
- Ensure that the program does not break (NO Exception and NO data loss) no matter where the user presses and releases the mouse. For example, if:
- there are no Shreds in a list, or
- the user tries to select (or move) a shred from beyond the ends of the list, or
- the user tries to move a non-existent completed strip, or
- the user tries to move a completed strip on top of a non-empty working strip.
- Extend the program to allow the user to save the reconstructed document in a single image file.
- The loadImage(...) and saveImage(...) methods may be useful.
- If the strips are not the same length, allow the user to "pad" the strip on the left or the right with white squares.
- Make the program help the user by highlighting Shreds that might be neighbours of the last Shred in the working strip.
- You need to work out what constitutes a good match. A close (but not exact) match for the pixels on the neighbouring side of two coloured lines Shreds might be good!
- What about the text documents?
Part 2: Undo for Sokoban (Weight: 1/3)
Sokoban ("Tui xiang zi" in Chinese) is a very popular computer game and available on many platforms.
The game involves controlling a worker in a warehouse who has to push boxes around the warehouse
to get them onto their destination spots. The worker can only push one
box at a time, and cannot pull boxes.
We have provided a simple implementation of the Sokoban game with four
levels. You can control the worker with buttons or keys.
For this assignment, you need to add an
undo button to
Sokoban. It
should use a
Stack that contains the history of actions since the
beginning of the current level. Every time the player performs a
(successful) action, the action should be recorded on the stack. Every
time the player clicks the
undo button, the program should pop the
top action from the history and "undo" it: if it was a move, the
worker should be moved back (in the opposite direction of the recorded
direction); if it was a push, the worker should be moved back, along
with the box that was pushed.
Implement the undo facility for
- Define a history field that contains a Stack of ActionRecord (the class that records information about actions).
- Write code in the methods that perform the actions to create an ActionRecord object and push it on the history stack.
- Write code in the load method to reset the history stack when the level is reset.
- Create an "Undo" button (plus optionally a key mapping from "u" to the undo method).
- Define an undo method that is called when the "Undo" button is clicked, which pops the top ActionRecord off the stack, and reverses the action.
Implement a "Redo" function. When the user presses "undo", the program
should not only pop the
ActionRecord that was on the
history stack and
reverse it, it should also put the
ActionRecord onto a
stack. If the player pressed the "redo" button, it should pop the
ActionRecord off the
redo stack, redo the action, and put it on the
history stack again.
The player could use this to undo all the actions from the end of a
game, and then replay all the moves.
Make the worker automatically move to a free cell. When the user clicks the mouse on a free
cell, if there is a free path from the worker's current position to the new cell,
the program would find the path and move the worker automatically along the
Hint: It involves searching for a route through the empty cells of the warehouse and then making the worker
step along the route. A starting point is just to find straight paths; the full version
should find any free path.