Past Tests and Exams for CYBR171

Below you will find tests and exams starting from 2022, we taught the course previously, but the course was changed substantially post-COVID lockdown, and the topics have stayed fairly stable over the last three years even with changes made in 2024.


Revising for the 2024 examination

When preparing for the test and examination for 2024, skip these questions included in tests and exams from previous years because they rely on content that was not covered or covered differently:

  • 2023 test - 8, 10, 23, 24, 30, 33, and 36.
  • 2023 exam - 16, 27, and 33.
  • 2022 test - 5 and 6.
  • 2022 test - 9, 10,14 (error), 18, 28, 30, and 33.

Previous tests and exams

We do not provide answers to multi-choice questions because we do reuse some questions and want to encourage answering based on your knowledge of concepts rather than memorising a bank of answers.

An effective revision strategy is to attempt the provided tests and exams, and attend a lab in the last week where you go can go over your answers with a tutor,.

2024 Tri 1

2023 Tri 1

2022 Tri 1