Keith Cassell

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ALERT! This person can no longer be contacted through the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington

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I arrived in Wellington from Austin, Texas in October, 2008. Prior to that, I spent over 20 years in the software industry, primarily as a programmer. I've programmed in Java, C++, Lisp, Prolog, Ada, Pascal, and others, and I've worked in a variety of software development environments.

The research area I am interested in involves applying artificial intelligence techniques to the development of more maintainable code. These techniques are intended to detect classes where the allocation of methods and attributes violates specified conditions, propose restructurings to improve those classes, and implement the proposed restructurings. The main contribution of the research will be the identification of how clustering techniques can be used to identify and resolve problems pertaining to the distribution of responsibilities among object-oriented classes.

More on Keith's Interests

  • keithPeru672.jpg

Main.GraduateForm edit

ResearchAreas Data mining, refactoring, software engineering, metrics, knowledge representation
ThesisTitle Using Clustering Techniques to Guide Refactoring of Object-Oriented Classes
Supervisor Dr. Peter Andreae, Dr. Lindsay Groves
Qualifications B.S. Biology and M.S. Computer Science from U. Texas - Austin
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Topic revision: 20 Jul 2012, christo