Mohammad Nekooei
Please Note
This person can no longer be contacted through the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington
Research Interests
- Wireless Communications and Networking
- Wireless Sensor Network
- Wireless Body Area Network
- Health Informatics
- Fuzzy Logic
- Artificial Intelligence
Selected Publications
- Seyed Mohammad Nekooei, Gang Chen, Ramesh Kumar Rayudu, "Cooperative Design of Two Level Fuzzy Logic Controllers for Medium Access Control in Wireless Body Area Networks," The 11th International Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning (SEAL) , Shenzhen, China, 2017.
- Seyed Mohammad Nekooei, Gang Chen, Ramesh Kumar Rayudu, Automatic design of fuzzy logic controllers for medium access control in wireless body area networks - An evolutionary approach, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 56, 2017, pp. 245-261.
- Seyed Mohammad Nekooei, Gang Chen and Ramesh K. Rayudu, "Evolutionary design of fuzzy logic controllers for medium access control in WBAN," 2016 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC) , Vancouver, BC, 2016, pp. 2821-2828.
- Seyed Mohammad Nekooei, Gang Chen and Ramesh K. Rayudu, "A fuzzy logic based cross-layer mechanism for medium access control in WBAN," 2015 IEEE 26th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) , Hong Kong, 2015, pp. 1094-1099.
- Seyed Mohammad Nekooei, and Mohammad T. Manzuri-Shalmani, "Location Finding in Wireless Sensor Network Based on Soft Computing Methods," 2011 International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems Engineering (CASE) , Singapore, 2011, pp. 1-5.