Rasika Nandana

Rasika Nandana profile picture

PhD Student
School of Engineering and Computer Science

Thesis Info

Research Interests: Networked Control Systems, Mechatronics, Open Distance Learning, Remote Laboratories, Automation
Thesis Title: Testing Earthquake Early Warning Systems for NZ
Supervisor: https://people.wgtn.ac.nz/Peter.Andreae


google scholar


  • “Saving Precious Seconds”—A Novel Approach to Implementing a Low-Cost Earthquake Early Warning System with Node-Level Detection and Alert Generation,Informatics 9 (1), 25, 2022
  • Characterization of Event Based Sampling Encoders for IIoT using Input-Output Mutual Information IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020
  • Integrated laboratory experiment setup to empower the engineering education in distance mode, Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, 2016, Vol. 11:1, pp.13 – 23.
  • Expanding the frontiers of engineering education in open and distance learning by an online laboratory platform, Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, 2015,Vol.10:1,pp.65– 76.

  • Obstacle Avoidance of Mobile Robots Using External Camera Information, International Research Conference- IRCUWU2019, February 2019, Badulla, Sri Lanka.

  • Autonomous Battery Replacement System for Surveillance Drones, International Research Conference- IRCUWU2019, February 2019, Badulla, Sri Lanka.

  • Haptic teleoperated steering system for unmanned ground vehicles, 2nd International Research Symposium- IRSUWU2018, February 2018, Badulla, Sri Lanka.

  • A controller for assistive devices using eye movement and electroencephalography, 2nd International Research Symposium- IRSUWU2018, February 2018, Badulla, Sri Lanka.

  • Belt loop preparing mechanism of a belt loop attaching machine, 7th YSF Symposium January 2018, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka

  • Integrated laboratory experiment setup to empower the engineering education in distance mode. 29th Annual Conference of the AAOU, November 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

  • Expanding the frontiers of engineering education in open and distance learning by an online laboratory platform, 28th Annual Conference of the AAOU, October 2014, Hong Kong, China.

  • Online remote laboratory for open distance learning, First International Conference on Open and Distance e-Learning, February 2012, Manila, Philippines.

(Please refer google scholar for more information/author details)

Research Interests