Rasika Nandana

PhD Student
School of Engineering and Computer Science
Thesis Info
Thesis Title: Testing Earthquake Early Warning Systems for NZ
Supervisor: https://people.wgtn.ac.nz/Peter.Andreae
- “Saving Precious Seconds”—A Novel Approach to Implementing a Low-Cost Earthquake Early Warning System with Node-Level Detection and Alert Generation,Informatics 9 (1), 25, 2022
- Characterization of Event Based Sampling Encoders for IIoT using Input-Output Mutual Information IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2020
- Integrated laboratory experiment setup to empower the engineering education in distance mode, Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, 2016, Vol. 11:1, pp.13 – 23.
Expanding the frontiers of engineering education in open and distance learning by an online laboratory platform, Asian Association of Open Universities Journal, 2015,Vol.10:1,pp.65– 76.
Obstacle Avoidance of Mobile Robots Using External Camera Information, International Research Conference- IRCUWU2019, February 2019, Badulla, Sri Lanka.
Autonomous Battery Replacement System for Surveillance Drones, International Research Conference- IRCUWU2019, February 2019, Badulla, Sri Lanka.
Haptic teleoperated steering system for unmanned ground vehicles, 2nd International Research Symposium- IRSUWU2018, February 2018, Badulla, Sri Lanka.
A controller for assistive devices using eye movement and electroencephalography, 2nd International Research Symposium- IRSUWU2018, February 2018, Badulla, Sri Lanka.
Belt loop preparing mechanism of a belt loop attaching machine, 7th YSF Symposium January 2018, Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka
Integrated laboratory experiment setup to empower the engineering education in distance mode. 29th Annual Conference of the AAOU, November 2015, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Expanding the frontiers of engineering education in open and distance learning by an online laboratory platform, 28th Annual Conference of the AAOU, October 2014, Hong Kong, China.
Online remote laboratory for open distance learning, First International Conference on Open and Distance e-Learning, February 2012, Manila, Philippines.