Peter Komisarczuk
Please Note

This person can no longer be contacted through the School of Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria University of Wellington
Research Interests
I research, lecture and consult in networking and distributed systems.
I have published in the areas of telecommunications, broadband networking, Next Generation Networks and Grid computing.
I am a member of the Network Engineering Research Group (
NERG) and have research links with the
Communications and Signal Processing Research Group.
For further information on research and projects see my
personal web page, the
Grid Enabled Internet Instruments (GEII) and the
Cognitive Radio Networks.
For a list of my recent publications, please see the
Publications Database.
I have worked for Ericsson, Fujitsu and Nortel Networks in the areas of next generation "intelligent networks", access and optical networks and Internet technology.
I have a PhD from the University of Surrey (1998) and an MSc in Modern Electronics from Nottingham University (1984).
I am a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a member of the
IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology),
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery),
BCS (The Chartered Institute for IT) and
NZCS (New Zealand Computer Society ). I became a Chartered IT Professional in 2009 and Fellow of the NZCS in 2010.
I am currently at the School of Computing and Technology at Thames Valley University, London, as Professor of Computing (email: peter.komisarczuk [at] where I am developing a centre researching into networks and distributed systems.