Seminar - Internet of Things (IoT) Privacy and Security: Investigating Safety for the Everyday User of IoT in the Home

ECS PhD Proposal

Speaker: Lisa Patterson
Time: Friday 13th December 2019 at 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM
Location: Alan MacDiarmid Building AM106

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is expanding at a rapid rate and is becoming ubiquitous in our society, and increasingly our homes. Existing privacy and security protections are not keeping pace with changes, and many dangers are posed to users. There is little published literature relating specifically to IoT privacy and security, particularly in New Zealand (NZ). Current privacy and security protections are not keeping pace with the many dangers that users face. Everyday users are ill-prepared to manage and mitigate the risks that arise. The rush to market with new devices results in a lack of standards and protocols, and the legislative environment is lagging in response to the new challenges that arise from IoT. Privacy and security issues and potential preventative mitigations are examined, including behavioural, technical, and policy and legislation measures. A small-scale survey was conducted as preliminary work, using Protection Motivation Theory (PMT) as a theoretical lens through which to examine behavioural aspects. This research is concerned with investigating what the current IoT privacy and security problems are, understanding why these issues exist, and examining what can be done to address them. A holistic intervention will be proposed at the end of PhD thesis that encompasses behavioural, technical, and policy and legislation mitigations. This work provides new insight to the field, and adds to understanding to increase the level of privacy and security for the everyday user of IoT in the home.

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