Things you favourite or save around the website will appear here, such as events, clubs, scholarships and more!
This page allows you to quickly produce server-side include tags, so you can just copy'n'paste them into your .shtml. Please see Tech Note 111 for further stylistic and practical guidelines.
These generators require a reasonably recent web browser, running javascript. Opera, Mozilla and Konqueror should be usable choices on our NetBSD systems.
Copy and paste the following code into your .shtml file:
People in the School each have their own 'official' homepage under the /people part of the website. Rather than constructing links by hand, or inserting staff member email addresses into your web pages, we'd prefer if you used one of these server-side includes (plus, it'll make your life easier!)
Also, there are several 'roles' within the School, and you'll sometime want to include a link to the Programme Director, Computer Science, or Head of School, without having to keep the names of the people up-to-date.
Choose a person, click "Generate", and copy the resulting text into your web page
Alan-Ta'alolo Alex-Potanin Ally-Reid Andrew-Mellanby Andy-Linton Antonio-Montalban Byoung-Du-Kim Chris-Hollitt Chris-Lewis Christo-Muller Christopher-Atkin Colin-Bailey Colleen-Kelly Dale-Carnegie David-Harte David-Pearce David-Vere-Jones Dillon-Mayhew Dong-Wang Duncan-McEwan Estate-Khmaladze Gareth-Baxter Geoff-Whittle George-Barmpalias Ginny-Whatarau Guohua-Wu Harry-Perros Hui-Ma Huixiang-Chen I-ming-Liu Ian-Welch James-Noble Jan-Bulla Joey-Medved John-Harper John-Haywood John-Hine Joseph-Miller Junko-Murakami Ken-Pledger Kevin-Buckley Kirk-Jackson Kris-Bubendorfer Laurent-Bienvenu Liang-Yu Lindsay-Groves Lindsay-Johnston Mansoor-Shafi Marcus-Frean Mark-Davies Mark-Johnston Mark-McGuinness Mark-Moir Mark-Pritchard Martin-Ehrenstein Matt-Visser Megan-Clark Mengjie-Zhang Michael-Newman Mike-McGavin Moshe-Haviv Neil-Leslie Neil-Ramsay Noam-Greenberg Nokuthaba-Sibanda Paul-Teal Pavle-Mogin Pawel-Dmochowski Peter-Andreae Peter-Donelan Peter-Komisarczuk Petra-Malik Philip-Rhodes-Robinson Pierre-Ailliot Prema-Ram Radek-Hes Ray-Brownrigg Ray-Nickson Rhys-Jones Richard-Arnold Rob-Goldblatt Robert-Biddle Rod-Downey Roger-Cliffe Ross-Renner Rowan-McCaffery Sam-Searle Shiping-Zang Shirley-Pledger Stefanka-Chukova Steven-Archer Stuart-Marshall Suzan-Hall Tapas-Sarkar Thomas-Kuehne Tim-Wright Tony-Vignaux Willemijn-Vermaat Xiaoying-(Sharon)-Gao Xiaoying-Gao Yinhuo-Zhang Yu-Hayakawa Yu-Liang Yuichi-Hirose abteach aint ampi aw bitds bugs comp-grad-com dd-engr dean-engr dephos dephos-ecs dephos-mscs dephos-msor dl grad-comp grad-math grad-stor head head-ecs head-mscs head-msor hos jobs mgr mgr-ecs mgr-mscs mgr-msor office pd-comp pd-engr pd-math pd-stor printers
If you want to include the full title of all people on a page (e.g. 'Dr' or 'Prof'), then include the following code near the top of your page:
Courses taught in the School each have their own 'official' homepage under the /courses part of the website. Rather than constructing links by hand we'd prefer if you used one of these server-side includes. It will produce a hyperlink like this: COMP 204
Choose a course, click "Generate", and copy the resulting text into your web page
For information on adding a sever side include to show current announcements from the forum - see TechNote 115 Using the MSCS Forum System
MCS headings (like "Miscellaneous SSI" above) should be used instead of <h2> tags in your HTML.
It is possible to make the text in the heading link to another web page by setting an extra variable called subheadingur.
To insert a sub-heading into your .shtml, copy and paste the following text:
Or, for a heading containing a link to another page:
On the MCS site we use our own horizontal rules instead of the standard <hr> tag. There is a long horizontal rule (recommended), and a short one.
To insert one of them into your text, copy one of the following lines:
Course coordinators often find themselves maintaining a large website, with files in lots of sub-directories. A common solution to the repetition of keeping a lot of files up-to-date is a customised variables.shtml or head.shtml which is put into the home directory of the course (see the example course EXPL000 mentioned in Tech Note 111 for details).
So then the author needs to encode the location of their variables.shtml file in each page:
<!--#include virtual="/courses/EXPL000/2003T1/variables" -->
...which is not ideal, especially if you're going to copy these pages and use them next year.
Enter the $course_home variable. The webserver sets an environment variable for each course, that is accessible through Server-Side Includes. This lets you use the variable in your sidebar or include definitions:
You will notice that when using the variable inside another SSI directive, you put a $ in front of it - and when you want it to appear in your HTML, you have to put it inside an #echo tag.
Time dependant information on our website should have a disclaimer stating the year for which it is valid. Our site templates will automatically insert a disclaimer at the top-left of the page if you set a $year variable in your code:
<!--#set var="year" value="2004" -->
For course homepages, we automatically set the $year variable for you, as we can determine the year based upon the url to your page.
Sometimes you'll want to customise a page based on whether the visitor has logged in to the MCS website.
For example, the 'login' link at the top of the page turns into 'logout' after the visitor logs in, and the 'Staff' link on the sidebar only appears for MCS Staff.
Our Authentication and Authorisation module (see Tech Note 111) sets a few environment variables which can be useful:
Here's an example piece of an .shtml that gives a vistor a login link if they haven't logged in, and then customises the information displayed based upon whether they're in the staff group or not:
Note that this doesn't provide file system security, so you should use these variables for customisation of pages, rather than security.