CGRA151 Project Report [you may delete anything enclosed in square brackets] [this report must be no more than one A4 page long] Student name: [your name] Student ID: [your ID] Name of game/artwork: [no more than one line] Vision [what was your vision for the game? either copy your one paragraph overview from your plan or, if your vision changed dramatically after submitting the plan, give a one paragraph description of your revised vision] Achievement [in one paragraph describe what you were actually able to achieve] Technical Challenges [describe the principal technical challenges that you faced; describe how you addressed those challenges; ideally you should be able to showcase two challenges that you were able to overcome] Reflection [give a one paragraph reflection on your experience of doing this assignment: what was easier than expected? what was harder than expected? how well did your plan match reality? what, if anything, would you have done differently?]