Posted on behalf of Deborah Fritz:

Finally, TMQ's "MARC21 in Your Library" workshop is now an online self-paced course AND an online webinar (M21w).


Developed by Deborah Fritz and taught by her and her training colleagues at TMQ, M21w is being hosted by OCLC in a limited pilot run of three events in April, May, and June 2010.


This is your chance to attend the very first workshop in the TMQ Cataloging Training series without ever having to leave your workplace (or maybe even your home).


·        MARC21 In Your Library. Part One, MARC And Bibliographic Information: The Underlying Fundamentals

This is online FREE as a series of nine, free, webcasts or web-based, self-paced, mini-courses, available anytime on the TMQ website at:


·        MARC21 In Your Library. Part Two, MARC Coding: The Core Codes And Their Functions

This is now available either as an on-site workshop (1 day) or as a webinar course (three 2-hr sessions).


With no travel involved, it is easy for you to fire up your computer and join TMQ's live, online, interactive, sessions spread out over three consecutive days.


Work your way through Part One at your own pace, and then join the live online Part Two sessions, and, between them, learn the fundamentals of MARC21 coding and how that coding is meant to work in your library automation system.


Click here to access the Part One modules


Click here to register for the Part Two modules

The dates and times of the OCLC pilot sessions are:

Apr 21-23, 2010  10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT  (in New Zealand, Apr 22-24, 2:00 AM - 4:00 AM)        

May 25-27, 2010  1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT  (in New Zealand, May 26-28, 5:00 AM - 7:00 AM)

Jun 14-16, 2010  4:00 PM - 6:00 PM EDT  (in New Zealand, June 15-17, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM)





Deborah Fritz
MARC Database Consultant
The MARC of Quality
Voice/Fax: (321) 676-1904