From: KLARWILL, Jennifer (WELLHO)
Sent: 17 June 2014 10:39 a.m.
Subject: [Slis-Wellington] June meeting : RDA 101 Tuesday June 24th


Heard about RDA or Resource Description Access and still confused?  Then come along to hear Chris Todd and Janess Stuart from the National Library.

They are both cataloguing team leaders and have been involved with RDA implementation in New Zealand libraries.

Their presentation will cover the differences between AACRII and RDA as well as showing some cataloguing records.

There will be time for questions and discussion.

*BoK 5 is covered by this event*


Date : Tuesday June 24th

Time : 5.30 for networking, talk from 6pm -7pm

Venue : 2nd floor staffroom Wellington Public Library

Investment : $5.00, students with current ID free

RSVP by Monday 23rd June

See you there!

Jennifer Klarwill

Adviser Information Services

Information Centre

Department of Corrections | Ara Poutama Aotearoa

L3 Mayfair House

44 52 the Terrace

Extn : 68462 | DDI 04 470 8462




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