Good morning New Zealand cataloguers,


I thought this was worth forwarding – particularly as I’ve highlighted below, the examples are freely available and do not require you to have a subscription to the RDA Toolkit.







Anoushka McGuire | Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 |


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs 




From: [] On Behalf Of RSC Secretary
Sent: Tuesday, 24 May 2016 6:26 a.m.
To:;;; Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative Forum; Program for Cooperative Cataloging; CONSER Cataloging Discussion List
Subject: [RDA-L] Full RDA examples revised; rballs available, too


The announcement below has been posted on the RSC website.

Regards, Judy Kuhagen
Secretary, RDA Steering Committee

= = = = =

The RDA full record examples on the Toolkit website have been revised. The examples show authority and bibliographic records in both an RDA element view and a MARC encoding view of the record.

There are also two examples showing diagrams of specific RDA entities, elements, and relationships. More will be added later.

That examples page also includes a link to rball versions of some of the bibliographic examples; they are available in both RIMMF native RDA format and RDF linked data format.

These examples may be accessed from the RDA Toolkit website ( or from the link on the Tools tab in RDA Toolkit (

The examples are freely available to all. No subscription to RDA Toolkit is required to access and download the examples.