Tçnâ tâtou katoa


Ngâ mihi o te tau hou ki a koutou! We are pleased to announce that Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku, the Maori Subject Headings project has completed another upload of new kaupapa/terms, just in time for Matariki. These terms came from the work of  Te Whakakaokao, the Mâori Subject Headings Working Group, at a hui held in May 2016. There are 25 new terms that have been added to Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku and are ready for use in library catalogues, and a number of changed terms.


We welcome requests for new terms. Please don’t hesitate to send in requests, queries and suggestions to reo@dia.govt.nz  -  Te Whakakaokao would love to hear from you.


Ngâ kaupapa hou / New terms


•Hoe – Paddling, Rowing

•Kanohi - Face

•Kauti -Gout

•Kçnge - Gangs

•Korikori tinana – Exercise, Physical movement

•Mahi tűtei - Surveillance

•Mahi whakatuatea - Terrorism

•Mâtâpunenga - Encyclopaedias

•Momotuhi - Fonts

•Pâkç – Rain capes

•Pakipűmeka - Documentaries

•Pao mîere - A Mâori religious response to the opening up of the Rohe Pôtae (King Country).

•Pikopiko – Shield ferns

•Pikopiko (Kai) – Fern shoots

•Poihau wera – Hot air balloons

•Pűmanawa - Giftedness

•Pűmua – Preceding particles

•Pűmuri – Following particles

•Râtaka – Journals, Diaries

•Rongopai - Gospels

•Tâ tuhi - Printing

•Taitôkai – Sexual abuse

•Tokomatua - Groups

•Tűhura - Exploration

•Ture rçti whare – Tenancy law


Te mahi whakahou / Changes to existing terms


•The terms that describe groups of people have been revised and clarified. Two new terms have been added: Tokomatua, a general term for groups of any kind, and Kçnge, which can be used for gangsters, organised street or criminal groups.


•The terms relating to Huruhuru whenua (Ferns) have been revised to distinguish between the species of Shield fern (Pikopiko), and Pikopiko (Kai), which refers to fern shoots used in cooking.


•A new term has been added for Pűmanawa, or giftedness.


• The definitions of the terms relating to the movement and migration of peoples have been clarified. Hekenga has been redefined to include both  the migration of waka to New Zealand and the internal migrations of iwi or hapű, while the scope of Hűnuku has been clarified to refer to the migration or movement of Mâori people in contemporary times within New Zealand, particularly to the big towns. A new term, Tűhura, has been created to describe physical, online and intellectual exploration.


•The terms relating to printing, publishing and media have been expanded. Tâ tuhi is used for printing, while Momotuhi describes fonts. A term for documentaries, Pakipűmeka, has been added, as have terms for Encyclopedias (Mâtâpunenga) and Diaries (Râtaka).


•New terms relating to Surveillance (Mahi tűtei) and Terrorism (Mahi whakatuatea) have been created.


• We now have a term for Faces, Kanohi. We have also established the corresponding reo-â-iwi term,  Konohi,  which is used by the  iwi and hapű of Ngâi Tahu and Te Tai Râwhiti.



If you have any questions, or potential terms you want to suggest, please email reo@dia.govt.nz


Nâ ngâ kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao