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Music Cataloging Basics Workshop

New Workshop!

Music Cataloging Basics
Dr. Sonia Archer-Capuzzo and Mary Huismann

Wednesday, September 30, 2015
2:30 PM EST | 1:30 PM CST
12:30 PM MST | 11:30 AM PST
90 minutes

The world of music cataloging is often puzzling to catalogers that have no music background or experience!

In this new workshop, Archer-Capuzzo and Huismann will put the puzzle pieces in place by covering the basics of music cataloging using the current RDA: Resource Description and Access and MARC21 standards.

You'll learn about topics such as:

  • Basic music information and concepts
  • MARC tags for music
  • Searching OCLC and determining the best record in OCLC
  • Brief introduction to music preferred titles and subject and genre/form headings
  • Numbers (publisher numbers and how they are used)
  • Dates (types of dates found and their significance, and what to do when there is no date)

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