Kia ora


Many thanks to everyone who has registered for the Maurice Dance workshop on October 16th . We’ve had an encouraging number of responses, and we are looking forward to a productive and enjoyable day exploring RDA using the RIMMF software.


There are still a few places available, so, to make sure that you don’t miss out, please send an email, with Maurice Dance as the subject, and the information below to:  by Friday September 18th.


Maurice Dance : a Kiwi Jane-athon


Inspired by the Jane-athons presented by ALA Publishing and the RDA Development Team earlier this year, the National Library of New Zealand cataloguing teams, in cooperation with CatSIG and The MARC of Quality, invite you to step up and join us in a Maurice Dance.


This workshop has two goals:

·         to explore RDA data without the filter of the MARC format, using RIMMF software (RDA in Many Metadata Formats)

·         to look at how RDA data can be represented using linked data and what opportunities  that might offer for cataloguing in the future

We will use resources associated with Maurice Gee as the main theme for our dance, however other New Zealand authors, such as Janet Frame, and Katherine Mansfield could also join the set.


During the Maurice Dance you will:

·         See a brief demonstration of how to use RIMMF to describe a couple of resources RDA used to describe a major New Zealand literary work using RIMMF software

·         Work in small groups to create RDA data in RIMMF for a variety of Maurice Gee (or another author) related-resources, including related works, such as motion pictures

·         Discuss issues you have identified from your use of RIMMF and RDA

·         Explore different ways of representing RDA data as linked data


Your participation:

We’ll all work together to make this a successful day. We expect to be working in groups of 3 – 5 people depending on levels of experience and specific interests. You should be prepared, as a minimum, to download the RIMMF software, work through the series of tutorials available on the RIMMF website, and bring along some examples to work with. Ideally, you will bring a laptop with the RIMMF software loaded on it to work with on the day, but feeling reasonably comfortable with the software is more important.


There will be an opportunity to attend a web-based training session on RIMMF to help prepare for the workshop. More information on a date and time will be available soon.


If you are familiar with RDA, and unable to work with RIMMF prior to this workshop, but still interested in attending, please contact us at


Follow us on Facebook at:


Support available on the day:  

·         Deborah and Richard Fritz from The MARC of Quality will be participating in the workshop with particular expertise in the use of RIMMF as well as detailed understanding of both the MARC format and the RDA content standard.

·         Cataloguers who have completed all the TMQ RIMMF tutorials and prepared resources for the workshop will be on hand as facilitators or coaches as needed by the groups


When: October 16 2015: – 8.30am for 9.00 – 4.30pm


Where: Pipitea and Thorndon rooms, National Library of New Zealand, corner of Molesworth and Aitken Streets, Wellington.


Cost: Funded by National Library and CatSIG – Free to participants – morning and afternoon tea will be provided


Registration: Please send an email, with Maurice Dance as the subject, and the information below to:   by September 18th 2015. 


1.      Name:

2.      Organisation:

3.      Contact email address:

4.      Are you able to bring a laptop with the RIMMF software loaded? Yes/No

5.      Do you have any special areas of interest?

a.      A type of material or format?

b.      An author or subject focus you would like to explore?

c.       Aspects of RDA?

d.      Other?

6.      If you are responding for several people please include all the information above for each person.


Looking forward to seeing you at the dance!


Warm regards


Catherine Amey


On behalf of


Chris Todd

Chris (Christine) Todd | Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mâtauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 474 3093 | Extn: 3093

Corner of Molesworth & Aitken Streets | PO Box 1467, Wellington 6140, New Zealand |

National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs