Tçnâ  koutou/Greetings to you all,


The National Library of New Zealand has loaded a second test set of Policy Statements to the RDA Toolkit. Following the December 2022 release, these are now visible at: https://access.rdatoolkit.org/.



What Policy Statements are included?


Following our successful load of Policy Statements for the Manifestation entity for the September 2022 release of the Toolkit, we have now added Policy Statements for Agent, Collective agent, Corporate body, Family, Person, and Timespan entities.


Our aim is to have Policy Statements at every element in the RDA Toolkit plus at all options on Entity and Guidance pages. If you don’t see any Policy Statements on a page, it simply means we didn’t include them for this test load.



Where are the Policy Statements?


You can explore our Policy Statements in the Toolkit via the link in the Policies tab or by selecting ‘NLNZ PS’ from the menu at the top right of any of the element pages. If the NLNZ Policy Statements don’t appear in the list, you may have to update the settings in your Views.



What about supporting documentation?


Throughout the NLNZ Policy Statements you’ll see references to the NLNZ Guidance. This is a document to support cataloguers to use the NLNZ Policy Statements in conjunction with the RDA Toolkit, similar to the Metadata Guidance Documentation produced by the Library of Congress and Program for Co-operative Cataloguing (LC-PCC). Right now the link is pointing to a temporary document in the RDA Toolkit. The NLNZ guidance will be made available later, together with other supporting documentation and the NLNZ Application Profile.



This is really exciting, where can I find out more information?


The recording of the presentation about the work that the NLNZ has been doing to prepare for switching to the new RDA Toolkit which was part of the October 2022 LIANZA CatSIG professional development webinar series is available now on the LIANZA YouTube channel.


If you have any specific questions about the NLNZ Policy work, please do get in touch with the NLNZ cataloguing teams at nznb@dia.govt.nz.


Ngâ mihi,



Anoushka McGuire | Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1,

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mâtauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 | www.natlib.govt.nz


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs