Hi everybody
I am trying to unpick some headings for the author/s  Philip Holden, who on our merged catalogue has headings under no dates, 1937- and 1938-. On doing searches on LC Authorities and looking at the authority records we already have in place, I am beginning to feel a little confused, as the notes that have been added are a little ambiguous. Is anyone able to confirm to me that the Philip Holden who writes on NZ hunting also has written westerns under three known pseudonyms?
I am reasonably sure I can eliminate the confusion between the 1938 and 1937 entries - they do appear to be the same person -  because one has mention of a date incorrectly printed on a book jacket. Is this also  'our' NZ Philip Holden, the hunter, and has he also written titles on hunting in Australia? I started to do some searching on the net but got bogged down with entries from libraries and bookshops that didn't actually give me the information I need and figured there are quicker ways to do this.

District Cataloguer
Rodney Libraries
Contact numbers
DDI (09) 427-3915
fax: (09) 427-3925

Roget's Thesaurus rules - OK, all right, very well, you bet, certainly.



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