Apologies for cross-posting


Thank you to all who have completed my survey on the use/non use of social media by cataloguers, I’m very grateful to everyone who took the time to answer the questions. 

If there is anyone who would still like to participate the link below will take you to the survey which will remain open till the end of this week. I'm interested in cataloguers' use and non use of social media so if you don't use wikis/forums/blogs/electronic mailing lists as an aid to your cataloguing work your responses are also very valuable.

Please note:  If you’ve answered “No” to the question: "Does your organisation provide any social media tools to enable staff to share information across the organisation?" and gotten an error message just remove the “eg” text from below the “Yes” option and the survey will move you forward.



My name is Bridgit Siddall and I am a Masters of Information Studies student at Victoria University of Wellington. As part of this degree I am undertaking the INFO 580 research project.


The project I am undertaking focuses on the use of specific social media, specifically blogs, wikis, forums, and electronic mailing lists by cataloguers as a means of seeking answers to/discussion about cataloguing-specific questions and issues.  The data collected from this survey will be used to examine the frequency with which social media are used by cataloguers to seek out answers to cataloguing-specific questions and problems.  It is my hope that the project will provide some insight into whether social media play a role in cataloguers' day-to-day functioning at work.  Your participation in this survey would be much appreciated.


Data collection involves an online survey that should take no more than 10-15 minutes to fill out.  Your responses will be anonymous and no personal information is sought in the survey.  Your response to the questionnaire will be taken as consent that the data you have supplied can be used in the final report. The final report will contain aggregated data and care will be taken that no information that might identify a particular respondent appears in that report.  No other person besides me and my supervisor, Dr Chern Li Liew, will see the spreadsheet containing responses to the questionnaire.


The report will be submitted for marking to the School of Information Management and deposited in the University Library.  The report may also be put forward for publication or presented at a professional conference.  Questionnaires will be destroyed two years after the end of the project.


If you have any questions or would like to receive further information about the project, please contact me at siddalbrid@myvuw.ac.nz or my supervisor, Dr Chern Li Liew at ChernLi.Liew@vuw.ac.nz at the School of Information Management at Victoria University of Wellington.

Bridgit Siddall

If you wish to participate in the survey please follow this link: http://vuw.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_1NtQUrOdQuMUTJO

Please note:  If you answer “No” to the question: "Does your organisation provide any social media tools to enable staff to share information across the organisation?" and gotten an error message just remove the “eg” text from the “Yes” option and the survey will move you forward.