[Apologies for cross-posting]


Tēna koutou,


The new and changed headings from the first Te Whakakaokao/Māori Subject Headings Working Group hui of 2018 are now available for use on the National Library website. As usual, files are also available for download to update copies in local systems.


Important notice - your help needed!

The next hui will be held in Mahuru/September and as always we're keen to hear any new suggestions you may have for the rōpū (group) to consider. It's a really easy process: if you're handling a collection item that is either in te reo Māori or has content about Māori, and you can't find an existing term in our thesaurus to suit your item, please email reo@dia.govt.nz with your suggestion and the details of what you were working on. Suggestions where you don't know the Māori term are just fine.



New terms - Pipiri/June 2018

Harore https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/harore

Hekaheka https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/hekaheka

Kākahi (Kararehe whāngote) https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/k%C4%81kahi-kararehe-wh%C4%81ngote

Koraha https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/koraha

Pūnaha parakaingaki https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/p%C5%ABnaha-parakaingaki

Rāpoka https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/r%C4%81poka

Ringa tohu (Whakaari) https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/ringa-tohu-whakaari

Te Pakanga Tuarua o Te Ao https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/te-pakanga-tuarua-o-te-ao

Tohi https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/tohi

Tohu maumahara https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/tohu-maumahara

Tumuaki https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/tumuaki

Whare tapere https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/whare-tapere



Changed terms - Piripi/June 2018


Most of the changes from this hui are either minor or involve broadening the scope of coverage of existing terms.


Anga <https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/anga> had a minor change in the English scope note to clarify that this includes all frameworks, and not just basic ones.


Kawa <https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/kawa> was previously restricted to situations related to marae and has now been broadened to cover any tribal grouping.


Whare tūpuna <https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/whare-t%C5%ABpuna> has been reworded to help the English and Māori texts to better align, and to make it clear that it is the connection to ancestors which is important in applying this term, not the carvings.


Pūrongo <https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/p%C5%ABrongo> has been broadened to cover articles, and also moved within the hierarchy/whakapapa of the thesaurus to sit directly under Kōrero <https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/k%C5%8Drero> so it can be applicable to non-written forms of reports and articles.


Finally, Tūkinotanga ā-taiao has been subtly changed to Tūkinotanga ā taiao <https://natlib.govt.nz/nga-upoko-tukutuku/t%C5%ABkinotanga-%C4%81-taiao> removing the hyphen between the second and third words of the phrase.



nāku nā Charlotte Christensen,

on behalf of Te Whakakaokao




Charlotte Christensen RLIANZA | Senior Collection Description Librarian

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: 07 867 1234 | www.natlib.govt.nz


National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs

