The Information Studies Programme is offering Resource Description and Discovery in T3 (Course runs 8 November 2021 - 18 February 2022.) this year. It is a 12 week online course.


Topics include (but may be revised as we move closer to T3):

The following topics would form the modules that will be delivered in the course:

1.          Introduction and foundation of resource description and discovery


2.          Descriptive cataloguing principles and application


3.          Resource Description and Access (RDA): New standard for descriptive cataloguing


4.          Underlying conceptual models of RDA: Functional Requirement for Bibliographic Record (FRBR) (2 modules)


5.          Subject access: Sear’s List of Subject Headings (SLSH) Library of Congress Subject Heading List (LCSH), Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC),  Library of Congress Classification and Ngâ Űpoko Tukutuku / Mâori Subject Headings (3 modules)


6.          Cataloguing and Classifying special format resources: musical, cartographic, serial, and streamed resources


7.          Digital formats for cataloguing and classification: MARC, DC, OPACs and WebPACs


8.          BIBFRAME, RDF and the future of MARC


9.          Linked data impact on resource description and discovery


The course can be taken as a standalone course for a Certificate of Profiency.

 You can apply to enrol and find out more about the Information Studies programme options on our website.

 Our programme administrator Chris King can assist you with the enrolment process.

 More details about the programme are available in the Information Studies Prospectus.

 Please feel free to contact me or our programme administrator Chris King, if you have any further questions about the programme or enrolling in a CoP.



Ngâ mihi,

Jennifer Campbell-Meier
Information Studies Programme Director
Te Kura Tiaki, Whakawhiti Kôrero—School of Information Management
Te Herenga Waka—Victoria University of Wellington
P O Box 600, Wellington NEW ZEALAND
+64 (04) 463 5349 | RH 416