-----Original Message-----
From: aliacatlibs-bounces@lists.alia.org.au [mailto:aliacatlibs-bounces@lists.alia.org.au]On Behalf Of Anne Robertson
Sent: Tuesday, 25 September 2007 8:18 a.m.
To: catlibs@qut.edu.au; aliacatlibs@lists.alia.org.au
Subject: [aliaCATLIBS] DDC Editorial Policy November Meeting Exhibits

                                                                                    Apologies for cross-posting
Dear Colleagues
The DDC Editorial Policy Committee Meeting will take place in early November in Washington D.C.  Exhibits discussing proposed changes  for the continuing processes of improvements  changes and additions to the classification will be gradually made available at: http://www.nla.gov.au/lis/stndrds/grps/acoc/EPCexhibits.html.   Links have also been added to this new page from the existing DDC Policy Committee page at http://www.nla.gov.au/lis/stndrds/grps/acoc/EPCmeetings.html and also on the ACOC home page http://www.nla.gov.au/lis/stndrds/grps/acoc/index.html under the 4th dot point.
Dewey users are invited to examine the current set of available Exhibits and forward any comments or suggestions for the consideration of the Editorial Policy Committee and Editorial staff for the continued improvement of the classification.
A number of other Exhibits will be added upon receipt after 2nd October 2007 about which comment is also invited.
Please forward any commentary etc as early as possible to the address below by 26th October 2007 at the latest to allow time for me to collate all such commentary prior to the meeting.
Anne M Robertson
Australian Representative, and Deputy Chair
Editorial Policy Committee for the Dewey Decimal Classification