Dear colleagues,


In preparation for Resource Description & Access (RDA), the Library of Congress (LC) has implemented the second phase of changes to their Name Authority File, which also contains name authority records created by Name Authority Cooperative Program (NACO) members including the National Library of New Zealand.


Phase 2 changes are automated changes to 1XX access points/headings, 4XX See references and 5XX See also references in authority records that are not acceptable under RDA. These changes include the modification of Bible and Koran headings and the spelling out of abbreviations such as Dept. and months. For full details of the changes, see Summary of programmatic changes to the LC/NACO authority file at 


See references for the AACR2 heading are added to each changed authority record.


Some New Zealand examples of 1XX access points/headings that have just been changed are:

                        New Zealand. Department of Conservation

                        University of Canterbury. Department of Civil Engineering

                        Gordon, Harry, 1925 November 9-

                        Warner, Lionel, -1986

                        Occasional publications (Victoria University of Wellington. Department of Politics)


These changes began last week and will continue for the rest of March until all identified access points/headings have been changed. The order of these changes is based on the order in which the authority records were originally created and the change to one authority record does not trigger a change to related authority records or to records with an extension of that name. This means that in the short term 500 See also references in some authority records could be changed before the 100 access point/heading they refer to.


These changes will result in a considerable amount of bibliographic file maintenance which will be worked through both globally and manually over the coming weeks.


During this time of change, please continue to use the authorised form of access point/heading in your bibliographic records.


This email is also available on DescribeNZ at


Kind regards,



Judy Keats

Authority Record Co-ordinator

Content Services

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mâtauranga o Aotearoa

The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua

PO Box 1467

Wellington 6140

New Zealand

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4518



The National Library’s refurbished Molesworth Street building is now open from, Monday to Saturday 8.30am to 5.00pm. The Alexander Turnbull Reading Rooms and Turnbull Gallery are open, Monday to Saturday 10.00am to 5.00pm.  All welcome.