Tēnā koutou, 


You are invited to participate in a survey on what New Zealand libraries do with Library of Congress subject headings they consider outdated, biased, or offensive. The goal of this research is to capture what librarians and libraries do at a local level.

The research will be written as an assignment for the course 74342 Research Paper, which I am taking as part of my degree with the Open Polytechnic. Participants will not be identified and no personal data will be collected. It may also be written up for presentation at a conference or in a short article.

Participants who are working or have recently (last 5 years) worked in cataloguing in a New Zealand library are invited to participate.


To participate, please fill in this form. 


Thank you, 

Hazel Loughrey 



Research supervisor: Dr Amanda Cossham, amanda.cossham@openpolytechnic.ac.nz