Hi folks,

The 2013 meeting of the Joint Steering Committee for Development of RDA (JSC) was held in November. A table summarising the actions taken by the Committee at that meeting is available here.


If you are interested in more detail, the following list is RDA instructions that will be updated in some way as a result of the JSC meeting, with links to the details of the changes. This is only the first batch of changes to be released, and there will be more coming soon I expect. The list is in RDA rule number order.

0.6.1 Core Elements & - Titles of parts, sections, supplements, etc. - Qualification after an identifier,,, - Two or more parts - liturgical works

20.2.1 & I.3.1 - compilers and editors of compilations


I will send further batches of such changes as I hear about them through the RDA-L email list.



In addition there is a free webinar next week that presents the process of developing and changing RDA for American cataloguers. Details below:


ALCTS Webinar: RDA: Revising, Developing, and Assessing

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

All webinars are one hour in length and begin at 11am Pacific, noon Mountain, 1pm Central, and 2pm Eastern time.



This session will give an overview of the development, revision, and assessment processes for RDA, with a look at changes coming in 2014 and at possible proposals for consideration at the end of the year.


Learning Outcomes

Attendees will understand how changes are made to RDA and the LC-PCC Policy Statements, along with the time frames for getting changes approved and implemented.


Who Should Attend?

Catalogers and managers.



Kathy Glennan is the Head of Metadata Creation and Enhancement at the University of Maryland and has more than twenty-five years of experience cataloging scores and sound recordings. She holds an MLS from UCLA. She has been actively engaged in the American Library Association's Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access (ALA CC:DA) since 2005, where she has focused on the development of RDA in relation to music resources. During that time period, she served on the Joint Steering Committee's Appendices Working Group and the RDA/MARC Working Group. In addition, she recently completed three years of service on the Standing Committee on Standards of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC). In 2012 she chaired the Task Group to Formulate or Recommend PCC/NACO RDA Policy on Authority Issues. She has given numerous presentations on RDA, FRBR, and MARC Formats issues, including two previous ALCTS RDA Webinars in 2011 (archived recordings of these webinars are available free):

·         RDA and Music Basics: Scores

·         RDA and Music Basics: Sound Recordings





How to Register

Register here: https://www1.gotomeeting.com/register/150295728



For questions or comments related to this free webinar, contact Julie Reese, ALCTS Events Manager at 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5034 or jreese@ala.org.


*Posted on behalf of the ALCTS Continuing Education Committee.*





Chris (Christine) Todd | Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

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