Tçnâ tâtou katoa


We are pleased to announce that Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku, the Maori Subject Headings project has completed another upload of new kaupapa/terms. These terms came from the work of  Te Whakakaokao, the Mâori Subject Headings Working Group, at a hui held in December 2015. There are 31 new terms that have been added to Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku and are ready for use in library catalogues, and a number of changed terms.


We welcome requests for new terms. Please don’t hesitate to send in requests, queries and suggestions to reo@dia.govt.nz  -  Te Whakakaokao would love to hear from you.


Ngâ kaupapa hou / New terms


• Âhua = Shapes

• Âkau pôhatuhatu = Rocky shore

• Ako-â-matihiko = Digital learning

• Ako-â-rorohiko = Computer assisted instruction

• Ârai i te ahi = Fire prevention

• Haumaru ahi = Fire safety

• Haumaru wai = Water safety

• Kaikuti hipi = Shearers

• Kaitâkaro whutupôro = Rugby players

• Kâri poutâpeta = Postcards

• Kôrero pono mâ te pakeke = Adult non-fiction

• Kôrero pono mâ te tamariki = Children’s non-fiction

• Kounga o te wai = Water quality

• Kuti hipi = Shearing

• Mâra = Gardens

• Mâtauranga taupuhi kaiao wai = Aquatic ecology

• Ôpango = All Blacks

• Pae pâpâho pâpori = Social media

• Pâtengi raraunga = Databases

• Patu ahi = Fire fighting

• Pű wairâkau = Composting

• Rangitaki = Blogs

• Rapuara = Career guidance

• Ringawera = Kitchen volunteer

• Tarutaru = Weeds

• Tâtari raraunga = Data analysis

• Te Pakanga Tuatahi o Te Ao = First World War

• Tuakoka = Poverty

• Tuhinga nâ te hunga tamariki = Children’s writings

• Tűponotanga = Probability

• Wahapű = Estuaries

• Waiata tohutohu = Instructional songs


Te mahi whakahou / Changes to existing terms


The scope of the term Toki has been redefined to encompass different types of adzes used for gardening, carving, warfare and other ceremonial purposes


The terms relating to fiction and non-fiction have been expanded. New terms include Kôrero pono mâ te pakeke (adult non-fiction), Kôrero pono mâ te tamariki (children's non-fiction), and Tuhinga nâ te hunga tamariki, which is used to identify writings by children.


Several new terms relating to safety have been created. These include Haumaru wai, or water safety, and Haumaru ahi, the term for fire safety. Also in the area of fire services and fire safety, terms have been added for fire fighting, Patu ahi, and fire prevention, Ârai i te ahi.


• A range of terms have been added in response to requests relating to educational resources. New terms in the area of Pangarau (mathematics) include Pâtengi raraunga (databases), Âhua (shapes), Tűponotanga (probability) and Tâtari raraunga, or data analysis. New terms in the area of environmental studies include Âkau pôhatuhatu (the rocky shore), Mâtauranga taupuhi kaiao wai (aquatic ecology), and Kounga o te wai, or water quality.


Reflecting changes in technology, two new terms have been added to describe blogs, Rangitaki and social media, Pae pâpâho pâpori. Terms have also been created to encompass digital learning, Ako-â-matihiko, and computer-assisted instruction, Ako-â-rorohiko.


New terms relating to roles or occupations have been added, such as Kaikuti hipi (shearers), Kaitâkaro whutupôro (rugby players), Ringawera (kitchen volunteers) and Ôpango, the term for All Blacks.


A new term has been added for Tuakoka, or poverty.


A new term has been added for Te Pakanga Tuatahi o Te Ao, the First World War.



If you have any questions, or potential terms you want to suggest, please email reo@dia.govt.nz


Nâ ngâ kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao