Good afternoon New Zealand cataloguers,


This Twitter chat is coming fast, so I thought I’d share:


The July #mashcat chat will be tomorrow, Thursday 23 July, 8 am, NZ time (22 July 20:00 UTC) and the theme will be ILS migration. Questions are here:



If you’re curious as to what a Twitter chat looks like, check out some of the previous #mashcat chats:


June #mashcat on Linked Data:


May #mashcat on discovery layers and metadata:


For more information on what #mashcat is all about:



Cheers! Anoushka


(P.S. if you’ve been wondering about using Twitter as a tool for professional development, but don’t know where to start, the ANZ 23 mobile things post about Twitter is awesome:


There was also this recent blog post on Unified Library Scene: )






Anoushka McGuire | Senior Collection Description Librarian

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mâtauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 |


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs