Introduction to Rare Materials

Dates: February 1st through 28th
Instructor: Robin M. Katz
Credits: 1.5 CEUs or 15 PDHs
Price: $175

Course Description

Are you new to a special collections environment, or are you interested in moving in that direction? Learn more about the types of materials held by archives and rare book libraries.

This course provides a general survey on the history and characteristics of some of the most common materials found in repositories, including:
- Manuscripts
- Early printing
- Fine press and artists’ books
- Zines
- Photographs
- Correspondence
- Ephemera
- and more!

Students will examine many examples using a variety of digitized collections, and they will learn to identify and describe items.

Robin M. Katz is a librarian, archivist, and educator who works to connect people to primary sources in meaningful and innovative ways. She is currently the Primary Source Literacy Librarian at the University of California, Riverside, a position she crafted after serving on the joint task force that authored the new Primary Source Literacy Guidelines. She co-created based on a groundbreaking US Department of Education grant she led at Brooklyn Historical Society. She has spent over a decade in special collections public services after receiving her MLIS from Kent State University and her BA from Brandeis University.

Course Structure
This is an online class that is taught asynchronously, meaning that participants do the work on their own time as their schedules allow. The class does not meet together at any particular times, although the instructor may set up optional synchronous chat sessions. Instruction includes readings and assignments in one-week segments. Class participation is in an online forum environment.

Payment Info
We accept registrations through the first week of classes, unless enrollment is full, and unless the class was canceled before it started due to low enrollment. The "Register" button on the website goes to our credit card payment gateway, which may be used with personal or institutional credit cards. (Be sure to use the appropriate billing address). If your institution wants us to send a billing statement or wants to pay using a purchase order, please contact us by email to make arrangements:

For a list of all of the courses being offered next month, please go to:

Library Juice Academy
P.O. Box 188784
Sacramento, CA 95818
Tel. (916) 905-0291
Fax (916) 415-5446


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