Dear Cataloguers,

                                   I was wondering if people who use Gary Strawn’s Cataloger’s Toolkit could give me an idea of how they use it?



Do your original and copy-cataloguers use the BAM report regularly as part of the daily cataloguing workflow?

Do you use the heading changes functionality in Correction Receiver?

Which other features do you use regularly?


…or do you use the toolkit on an occasional basis for projects?


And once you have established the configuration for the features you want to use, is it more straightforward to replicate it for an upgrade than it was to establish it in the first place?


Any information about the above (or reasons for deciding not to use it) would be welcome, and I could collate responses for the list.


Kind regards,

Sonya Maclaurin  





Sonya Maclaurin 
Bibliographic Access & Metadata Librarian
University of Otago Library
PO Box 56
Dunedin 9016 

ph (03) 479 4974, fax (03) 479 7640 