Kia ora all,


Thank you to all of those of you who attended the first CatSIG Talks for this year today.  Please find below the convenors report. 


Convenor’s Report for the year 1 July 2020 to 30 June 2021


The Committee


The committee members for the past year were Tamsyn Bayliss, Anoushka McGuire, Sue McMillan, and Chris Todd. Chris and Anoushka are the CatSIG representatives on the ORDAC committee.  Everyone has agreed to remain on the committee for another year.




Based on the current membership list received from LIANZA, CatSIG has 146 members (compared to 136 in May 2020). I am pleased to see the number of CatSIG members increasing again after declining over the last couple of years.




CatSIG Talks (October/November 2020) – 107 people registered for the Zoom session.  It was well-received by the people who attended.  Thank you to all the presenters who took the time to share their knowledge


Catapult : newsletter of the LIANZA Cataloguing Special Interest Group has continued to be published regularly and made available on the DescribeNZ section of the LIANZA website. Sara Sladwick from the University of Auckland has compiled this year’s issues. We appreciate her contributions to keeping this newsletter going.  We welcome any articles or cataloguer profiles as this helps to make Catapult a success.  If we continue to have problems receiving content from the cataloguing community, we will need to reassess how many issues we publish a year.  The other option is to look into different ways to keep the cataloguing community up to date.




All the content on the DescribeNZ wiki has been moved to a section on the LIANZA website.  This has brought us into closer alignment with LIANZA.




LIANZA budget requirements have changed, and they require a neutral budget for events or a profit.  SIGs can choose to be budgeted or unbudgeted SIG depending on the events they plan for the year.   CatSIG has had a neutral budget with no incomings or outgoing in this financial year, and we are operating as an unbudgeted SIG. We need to make sure our costs cover our outgoing when we run events.  The zoom sessions we have run over the last couple of years has assisted with this.


Closing remarks


Activities such as organising training and producing Catapult take a great deal of time and effort, and we would not be able to continue these without the hard work of the committee and the support of CatSIG members. Thank you!  We would welcome any new members.


Ngâ mihi,


Joanne Rowan

CatSIG Convenor