Forwarded on behalf of Nina Whittaker


From: Nina Whittaker <>
Sent: Monday, 14 September 2020 9:15 AM
To: '' <>
Subject: Cataloguing Mâori Subject Headings - resource


Kia ora koutou,


I hope you are all doing well. To celebrate Te Wiki o te reo Mâori, I’ve worked with out Mâtauranga Mâori Advisor Geraldine to write an article showing how you can use Mâori Subject Headings across a diverse range of books. We chose ten super varied books from our collections, assigned Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku, and then wrote about that process of finding the right headings, and what it means in terms of antiracism and decolonisation. You can use Mâori Subject Headings in MARC using 650 | $2 reo - there’s also a big bibliography, so I hope you find it interesting. Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions, comments, or synergies!


I hope you are all staying safe and taking good care.

Mâ te wâ, naku noa,



Nina Whittaker | Cataloguing Librarian | Auckland War Memorial Museum | Tâmaki Paenga Hira | The Domain, Private Bag 92018, Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142, New Zealand |  | +64 9 309 0443 ext 7358 |



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