Kia ora,


The CatSIG Committee is planning a new online seminar series to start in October 2021 and are sending out a call for expressions of interest to present.


Various topics emerged from our recent survey which people would like to hear about, including:


·           Beginner’s cataloguing

·           Serials cataloguing

·           Music, cartographic and other specialist cataloguing

·           Changes to the RDA Toolkit

·           Mâori subject headings

·           Linked data

·           BIBFRAME and the future of MARC

·           ILS migrations and data clean-up

·           Authority control


Or if you have other ideas for topics you might be interested is hearing about or presenting on, please let us know!


Networking events

We’d also like to hear if people are keen on attending or hosting in-person get-togethers? This could be multiple events and in various cities, with the intention of networking, meeting new people or reconnecting with colleagues, hearing what we’re all working on and offering support.


Please email by 31 May 2021 with an abstract for a presentation or to get in touch regarding networking events.


We look forward to hearing from you.


Ngâ mihi,


Secretary for CatSIG Committee



Tamsyn Bayliss

Librarian - Discovery & Access

E H McCormick Research Library


DD +64 9 890 2265  T +64 9 307 7714 



Cnr Kitchener and Wellesley Streets
PO Box 5449, Victoria St West

Auckland 1142, New Zealand

Research Library opening hours:
Monday to Friday 1pm - 5pm






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