Kia ora koutou,


Apologies if you have already heard this news because you were subscribed to the rdaaust list, but for those who haven’t I’d like to let you know about the recent change to the rdaaust list and to invite you to subscribe to the new RDA Oceania list.


The rdaaust list has changed its name to “rdaoceania” and  is now an email discussion list for RDA as it relates to the Oceania region. A forum for discussing RDA cataloguing issues, the list is an opportunity to build professional networks, and learn about new products and services related to RDA and its implementation.


The rdaoceania list will be used by the Oceania RDA Committee (ORDAC) as the main tool for directly updating the region about RDA.  It may also be used by national resource description communities such as the LIANZA Cataloguing (CATSIG) Community and the ALIA Community on Resource Description (ACORD) to communicate information about activities in relation to RDA, such as conferences, training courses and other events that are of relevance to the RDA community in those countries.  Training providers offering RDA training are also welcome to advertise their courses on the list.


To find out more about ORDAC, please visit the ORDAC website


Please be encouraged to promote the rdaoceania list to your colleagues, particularly colleagues in parts of Oceania outside Australia who are interested in RDA. Instructions for subscribing are at the end of this email and will shortly be available on the ORDAC website.


rdaoceania list etiquette

rdaoceania is an “unmoderated” list, which means that all posts go directly to the subscribers without going through a moderator.  This allows for the free and open flow of discussion on topics of relevance.  The list is intended to create a community of practice where all subscribers feel safe to exchange information about RDA and its implementation.   This also requires that subscribers take responsibility to ensure that all posts to the list are written in the spirit of this openness, and with respect for other subscribers to the list.  ORDAC will monitor the list to ensure that this happens, and take action if it feels that this etiquette is breached.


When responding to posts, subscribers should consider carefully whether their response should be addressed directly to the sender of the original post rather than to the whole list.  Be aware that simply clicking “Reply” will send your response to the list. If you want to reply to the original sender, you need to  change the address in the “To” box to the individual address of the sender of the original email.


When posting to discussion lists, it is common for senders to “cross-post” to multiple relevant lists in order ensure that the post reaches as many people as may be interested in the content of the post.   This means that a subscriber to multiple lists may receive some emails multiple times. For this reason, cross-posting is usually acknowledged by the sender at the beginning of their email.


If you have any concerns about emails that are posted to the rdaoceania list, please direct them to the List Manager rather than to the list itself.  The List Manager can be reached at


Subscribing to the rdaoceania list (to send to your colleagues)

To subscribe to the list send a message to:

In the subject line of your message, type in: subscribe rdaoceania Firstname Name (replace Firstname Name with your own first name and last name).


For example: subscribe rdaoceania Mary Smith


Leave the message body blank


You should then receive a welcome message with details of how to post messages to the list etc.


Unsubscribing from the rdaoceania list

If you wish to unsubscribe from the rdaoceania list, please send a message to The subject line of your email should contain the following words: unsubscribe rdaoceania.  Leave the message body blank.


Ngā mihi nui,




Anoushka McGuire

Oceania RDA Committee (ORDAC)|Chair

Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 |


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs