Thank you to those who attended the AGM.  We had one volunteer to join the committee.  Thank you Anoushka McGuire.


We are looking for one or two more people to join the committee and share the workload.  If you are looking for new opportunities for you professional registration journal this is a good option. 


Below is some information on what is involved in being on the committee.  There is not a huge amount of work involved.   We have one/two meetings per year by phone.  The rest of the committee business is carried out by email. 


Each person is responsible for one/two area of the committees work:


·         CatSIG information on the LIANZA website.  This information needs to be kept up-to-date and any new information about training opportunities added.


·         CatSIG gmail list.  This needs to be monitored to ensure emails are responded to promptly.  Usually general queries or applications for sponsorship or training course we are running.


·         CatSIG’s representative on the DescribeNZ wiki moderators group.  A meeting is held every two months, the person needs to look at the wiki and contribute ideas on content and ways to continue to improve it.  This can be done in conjunction with other members of the committee.


·         Listserv “bounce”.  The listserv automatically generates an email when someone subscribes or unsubscribes to the listserv these are bounced to an email address rather than going out to every listserv member. Likewise, any email sent to the listserv by someone NOT subscribed to the listserv also bounces.  Emails from non-subscribers are forwarded to the list.


·         Secretary – taking minutes in meetings


·         Treasurer – sign off on invoices for payment along with another member of the committee and forward these to LIANZA for payment, and send out invoices for any training sessions we run using a template.


Please respond by 31st of October if you are interested to


Joanne Rowan

CatSIG Convenor

c/o Serials Unit

Libraries and Learning Services

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

New Zealand


Phone: 649 3737 599 extn 87725

Fax: 649 3737 401
