Kia ora koutou,


I hope you all have had a lovely long holiday weekend!


Do you have an idea for a feature piece you would like to contribute for the upcoming issue of Catapult – a project you have worked on or perhaps a current topic in the field you find interesting and wish to share with the community?

We have had some great submissions for previous issues & it has been so nice to hear from cataloguers from institutions all over NZ so please keep the contributions coming.


Get in touch if you have something in mind - hope to hear from you!


Ngâ mihi/Kind regards,

Sara Sladwick

Collection Development Adviser

Te Tumu Herenga | Libraries and Learning Services, The University of Auckland

Room 136, 26 Princes Street, Tâmaki Makaurau | Auckland 1010

Private Bag 92019, Auckland Mail Centre, Auckland 1142