Kia ora koutou/greetings to you all,


Please see the RSC Secretary’s message below for the latest RDA Toolkit switchover information.


The Oceania RDA Committee (ORDAC) will be surveying our region early in 2021 in order to gather information about implementation plans and training needs in Oceania and we’ll share more information following the summer break.




Anoushka McGuire | Oceania RDA Committee (ORDAC) Chair

Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1, Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 2 (Acting)

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 |


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs 



Greetings, all.


RDA Toolkit Switchover: Beta Toolkit Becomes Official RDA (RSC/Papers/2020/1) was just posted to the RSC website. This document includes sections on implementation, the end of the 3R Project, orientation/training, and the road ahead. It supplements the recent announcement on the Toolkit blog.


An announcement of the RSC's 2021 meeting calendar was posted on the website as well.


Best --  Linda

Linda Barnhart, Secretary, RDA Steering Committee



  RSC website:

  Latest RSC documents: