Hi all


Minutes are below, plus links to the presentation.


Kind Regards

Sarah McGuinness

CatSIG Secretary




Catsig Annual General Meeting 2010


Monday 29th November 2010, 12.15-1.45 pm

LIANZA Conference 2010





1.             Apologies: Sarah McGuinness, Amanda Cossham


Minutes:      Chris Stanton


Present:      Janess Stewart (NLNZ), Maureen Roache (Napier), Pamela Treanor (Otago Uni), Veronica Cordes (Otago Uni), Trish Burnett (Canterbury Medical), Ivy Guo (Vic Uni), Kelvin Chote (NLNZ), Linda Harrowfield (Hastings District), James Cordes (retired – Otago), Rachel Black (Shepherd’s Bible College), Paul Barton (Otago Uni), Chris Stanton (NLNZ), Beryl Maultby (Otago Uni), Andrew McPherson (Hewitson Library, Knox College), Shanna Clyne (Dunedin), Denise Roughan (NLNZ), Sonya Maclaurin (Otago Uni), Chris Todd (NLNZ)


2.             Minutes


Taken as read and approved

                                                                         Proposed: Sonya Maclaurin

                                                                                 Seconded: Chris Todd



3.             Annual Report


Accepted as read


                                                                           Proposed: Janess Stewart

                                                                        Seconded: Sonya Maclaurin


4.             Financial Report


Accepted as read


                                                                           Proposed: Janess Stewart

                                                                        Seconded: Sonya Maclaurin



5.             Election of Officers


No new names put forward for the committee. Continue with current committee members who are willing to stand again for 2011.

                                                                           Proposed:  James Cordes

                                                                          Seconded: Pamela Treanor



6.             RDA presentation: DIY RDA @ NLNZ


Given by Chris Todd, Janess Stewart, Kelvin Chote, and Denise Roughan about their experiences learning RDA at the National Library of New Zealand.



Presentation slides:















Sarah McGuinness

Senior Collection Description Librarian

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa


Ph. +64 4 4704495

