Thanks to the editors and writers for the latest issue of Catapult. 

I wanted to query one statement in it regarding the RDA Toolkit's beta version on p. 11 of Catapult which says:

  • "while there is no intentional change in any of the content of RDA instructions ..."

My understanding was that there had been quite a bit of change to the content including to bring it in line with LRM. There's a summary of it in the 8 June document here: along with some change to wording (which IMO makes it harder to understand especially for new cataloguers or cataloguing students) and the removal of numbering (ditto for both groups; teaching from this version will be challenging).

While I'm aware this is only the beta version and needs a lot more added to it, I am not encouraged so far. I would be interested to hear what others in NZ think about it.

For anyone on CatSIG list who is not also on RDA-L, I do recommend subscribing and following the on-going analysis there.



Dr Amanda Cossham
Principal Lecturer -
Library and Information Studies
Learning Delivery
Open Polytechnic | Kuratini Tuwhera

+64 4 9135518 or 0508 650200 ext:5518 | Fax +64 4 9135727
3 Cleary Street, Waterloo |
Private Bag 31914, Lower Hutt 5040

From: CatSIG <> on behalf of Charlotte Christensen <>
Sent: Monday, 19 March 2018 11:34 AM
To: ''
Subject: [CatSIG] Catapult issue 97 March 2018

The latest issue of Catapult is now available on DescribeNZ:



Charlotte Christensen RLIANZA | Senior Collection Description Librarian

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: 07 867 1234 |


National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs

