Forwarded on behalf of Helen Heath


From: Helen Heath <>
Sent: Monday, 21 September 2020 3:13 PM
Subject: LIANZA CatSIG Professional Development Online Talks 2020


Kia ora koutou,


In lieu of our previously advertised and postponed LIANZA CatSIG Professional Development Day, we’ve changed the format and taken it online.

Please join us on Zoom for weekly one hour presentations, held on Thursday mornings at 11am throughout October and early November 2020. The talks are on a variety of topics and are open to everyone, whatever your role or level of knowledge.


Sessions will last for up to an hour, including presentations of around 40 minutes and time for Q&A and networking. The lightning talks session includes three talks of around 10 minutes each, with time for Q&A and networking.


Please see the schedule below.

For the programme with abstracts and further details see:



Register to watch the free events live online via Zoom, or to watch the recording afterwards.





Nâku noa nâ,


Helen Heath | Communications Advisor
LIANZA, ‘Supporting Libraries Aotearoa’ | @LIANZAOffice |
+64 27 490 2682
C/- National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mâtauranga o Aotearoa
PO Box 1467, Wellington 6140
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Library and Information Association of New Zealand
Te Rau Herenga O Aotearoa


Auckland Council

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