Tena kotou katoa,


Te Whakakaokao (the Mâori Subject Headings working group) is calling for more suggestions for new headings to include in Nga Upoko Tukutuku. We're having a hui in early December, so now's the perfect time to scour your shelves or talk to your reference staff about those collection items you couldn't find a good term for.


You can suggest the Mâori term you think is relevant or just give us the English equivalent, but either way we need to know what the resource is (ISBN and/or OCLC number are great identifiers) so we can take a look ourselves.


We're also always interested in any questions you have about existing headings, particularly if you think the scope notes need expanding or if you think something else should be included.


Suggestions and questions are welcome any time at reo@dia.govt.nz, but with a hui coming up and a bit of space on the agenda for new suggestions it'd be great to get some requests in by mid-November.


naku na

Charlotte Christensen, on behalf of Te Whakakaokao