[Apologies for cross-posting and missing macrons]


E nga kaitiaki o nga puna matauranga puta noa i Aotearoa, i te ao whanui hoki, tena ra koutou katoa.


Te Whakakaokao, the Maori Subject Headings Reo Working Group, is proud to give you the next upload of new reo headings added to Nga Upoko Tukutuku.


41 new headings were added and a total of 22 established headings were revised.  These can be viewed on the live site, as well as the downloadable files prepared for instalment into your own system.


It has been a pleasure of mine to have met some of you at the Matauranga Maori in New Zealand Libraries Workshop (Te Ropu Whakahau) to talk about Nga Upoko Tukutuku.  I would like to acknowledge Te Tirohanga a Kaimai and, especially, the workshop participants for your support of the hard work we’ve put into developing Nga Upoko Tukutuku. 


We are establishing a small Maori Subject Headings interest group to form the basis of an online community.  The purpose of this group is for members to keep up-to-date with the latest developments and to share ideas or concerns about their use of the headings.  If you’re interested to know more, please send a quick email to jacinta.paranihi@dia.govt.nz or reo@dia.govt.nz.


Don’t forget – we are always taking suggestions for new headings, so if you would like a heading to be added to Nga Upoko Tukutuku, send us the details of the source item and Te Whakakaokao will review it.


Ma te kimi ka kite, ma te kite ka mohio, ma te mohio ka marama tihei mauri ora!






Jacinta Paranihi  -  Kaitiaki o Nga Upoko Tukutuku  Maori Subject Headings Librarian

Te Puna Matauranga o Aotearoa   National Library of New Zealand

Te Tari Taiwhenua  Department of Internal Affairs

Waea/Phone: +64 4 474 3047  Karere hiko/Email: reo@dia.govt.nz  Kimihia/Search: http://mshupoko.natlib.govt.nz


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