Dear colleagues,


The National Library of Australia is conducting a short multilingual survey to help the RDA Board understand and plan for the internationalisation of RDA to meet your needs.  All the surveys are now live and open – please help us by sending your response and inviting your colleagues and networks to participate.


If you are involved in cataloguing and resource description I encourage you to complete this short survey about RDA in Asia and Oceania. The Resource Description and Access (RDA) cataloguing standard provides instructions and guidelines for creating library catalogue records that meet international data sharing standards.


Information about the RDA standard and international governance is available at:

We want your views: if you already use RDA,  you are thinking about using it, not considering it, or have barriers to using RDA.

The survey has 11 questions and will take 5-10 minutes to complete. Required questions are marked with an asterisk (*).
Please note: All your responses will be kept in the strictest confidence.

The survey is available in the following languages: English, Bahasa Indonesia, Bahasa Malay, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Thai and Vietnamese. 

To complete the survey in English click
To complete the survey in Bahasa Indonesia click
To complete the survey in Bahasa Malaysia click
To complete the survey in Filipino click 
To complete the survey in Japanese click
To complete the survey in Korean click
To complete the survey in  Chinese click
To complete the survey in Thai click
To complete the survey in Vietnamese click

Results will be shared at the RDA event 'Diversity of Data: RDA in the international context' on 23 August 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and distributed .

The survey can be completed by multiple people at each institution - please notify your colleagues of the survey and invite them to participate.

The survey closes on Tuesday 31 July 2018.

The RDA Board welcomes your honest feedback. For any questions about the survey, please contact Monika Szunejko ( at the National Library of Australia.

Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey!



Monika Szunejko AALIA | Director, Libraries Australia | National Library of Australia

t: + 61 2 6262 1215  | m: 0418 821 599 | e: