Tena tatou katoa


We are pleased to announce that Nga Upoko Tukutuku, the Maori Subject Headings project has completed another upload of new kaupapa/terms. These terms came from the work of Te Whakakaokao, the Maori Subject Headings Working Group, at hui held in May and August 2014. There are 35 new MSH that have been added to Nga Upoko Tukutuku and are ready for use in library catalogues.



Nga kaupapa hou / New terms


•             Ahuahanga = Geometry

•             Hana Koko  = Father Christmas

•             Hautipua kaita = Giants

•             Hinetitama = Hinetitama, the first person to be born

•             Hoia = Soldiers

•             Kaiarahi = Guides

•             Kaika nohoaka = Seasonal sites (Kai Tahu)

•             Kaipeita = Painters (Artists)

•             Kaitangata = Cannibalism

•             Karapu = Clubs

•             Karapu whutuporo = Rugby union clubs

•             Kirihimete = Chris

•             Kotiro = Girls

•             Mahere = Maps, plans

•             Mahere moana = Navigational maps

•             Mahere whetu = Astronomical charts

•             Maunga = Mountains

•             O kawekawe = Material world

•             Pakeha = Pakeha, European New Zealanders

•             Poutoti = Stilt walking

•             Pumotu = Chemical elements

•             Puoro tene = Jazz

•             Rautaki = Strategies

•             Rautaki reo = Language strategy

•             Takatapuitanga = Homosexuality

•             Takuta = Doctors (Medical)

•             Tamahine = Daughters

•             Tamure = Snapper

•             Tawhaki = Tawhaki, a demigod

•             Te Awa Atua = Menstruation

•             Toi moko = Preserved heads

•             Whai (Ika) = Stingrays

•             Whakaora reo = Language revival

•             Whakaora tangata auheke = Surf lifesaving

•             Whanau pani = Bereaved family





Te mahi whakahou / Changes to existing terms


A number of existing terms have been amended, some of which have been changed significantly. These terms include:



•             The terms relating to maps have been revised and expanded. Mahere (charts and maps), now includes the narrower terms Mahere whenua (land maps), Mahere moana (navigational maps) and Mahere whetu (astronomical charts).


•             Wahine (women) now includes a new Heke/Narrower term of Te Awa Atua which encompasses menstruation. This in turn has a new related term of Hinetitama, who is the daughter of Hineahuone and Tane, and the first human person to be born.


•             The terms relating to people have been expanded. Tangata now includes the additional narrower terms of Hautipua kaita (physical giants), Kaitangata , (cannibalism), and Kotiro (girls).


•             Tauiwi, which is used to describe different nationalities, has a new narrower term of Pakeha, which refers to New Zealanders of European descent.


•             Two new terms have been added in the context of language revitalisation. These are Rautaki reo, which is used for language strategy, and Whakaora reo, which describes language revival.



Some other terms have minor changes, and these can now be viewed at http://mshupoko.natlib.govt.nz under Changes to existing terms, October 2014.


We apologise for the absence of macrons. It has not been possible to include these, for technical reasons relating to the email client.


If you have any questions, or potential terms you want to suggest, please email reo@dia.govt.nz.


Na nga kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao



Catherine Amey

Collection Description Librarian

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mβtauranga o Aotearoa

The Department of Internal Affairs Te Tari Taiwhenua

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4485 Extn: 3485
