Hi All,

Sorry for cross-posting.

Please join us on Zoom for weekly one hour presentations, held on Thursday mornings at 11am throughout September 2021 and into October. The talks are on a variety of topics and are open to everyone, whatever your role or level of knowledge.

Sessions will last for up to an hour, including presentations of around 40 minutes and time for Q&A and networking. Please see the schedule below, and the attached programme with abstracts for further details.

Thursday 9th September 2021, 11am

Thursday 16th September 2021, 11am

Ngâ Upoku Tukutuku was developed by the Mâori Subject Headings Project, jointly sponsored by LIANZA, Te Rôpű Whakahau, and the National Library.

This talk is an introduction to Ngâ Upoko Tukuktu. It is aimed at cataloguers who want to discover how it was created, where to find it, how the thesaurus uses a Mâori world view to assign subject headings, and how it benefits users to find items within a framework they relate to.

Thursday 23rd September 2021, 11am

How can we most usefully describe what a resource is about? This short talk is an introduction to Library of Congress Subject Headings, their application, limitations and potential. The talk will include a brief discussion of subject analysis, how to read LCSH authority records and the use of topical, geographic, time period and form subdivisions to refine subject access.

Thursday 30th September 2021, 11am

A window into the creation and updating of name and subject authority records through the NACO (Name Authority Cooperative Organisation) and SACO (Subject Authority Cooperative Organisation) programmes. I will explore how the National Library of New Zealand contributes to NACO and SACO, with some discussion around recording Indigenous names and privacy issues for personal names.

Thursday 7th October 2021, 11am

Based on Kôtui consortium member requests for training resources, the Cataloguing Working Group (CWG) is creating short training videos, each focused on a specific topic. These are aimed at cataloguing beginners, staff with minimal cataloguing experience, or those looking to refresh/reaffirm their knowledge. In this presentation, we will provide background information about the CWG, outline our project parameters – including topics covered and processes used – and discuss where to from here.

Register to watch the free events live online via Zoom, or to watch the recording afterwards.



Joanne Rowan

CatSIG Convenor

c/o Metadata

Libraries and Learning Services

University of Auckland

Private Bag 92019

Auckland Mail Centre

Auckland 1142

New Zealand


Phone: 649 3737 599 extn 87725

Fax: 649 3737 401

Email: jf.rowan@auckland.ac.nz