

On behalf of the Committee I am pleased to announce details of the 2007 CatSIG/TQM Inc. cataloguing workshops.



Paul Staincliffe

Convenor CatSIG


CatSIG / TQM Inc. Cataloguing Workshops August-September 2007


The CatSIG Committee is pleased to announce details of the 2007 TQM workshops.


This year we will be holding our workshops around the dates of the LIANZA Conference so that our trainer from TQM Inc. can attend the conference.


CatSIG is making a firm commitment to the Dunedin area by holding the two TQM Introductory level workshops in Dunedin. Unlike in 2006 when we had to cancel the workshops at short notice, these workshops will go ahead bearing in mind unforeseen eventualities.


This year’s programme is:






MARC21 In Your Library (1 day)

Auckland Central Library

31 August 2007

Book Blitz 1 (4 days)

Portland Hotel, Wellington

4-7 September 2007

Video recordings (2 days)

University of Auckland

13-14 September 2007

MARC21 In Your Library (1 day)

University of Otago

17 September 2007

Just for Copy Cats (2 days)

University of Otago

18-19 September 2007



Costs for the workshops are:




CatSIG members

LIANZA members


MARC21 In Your Library




Book Blitz 1




Video recordings




Just for Copy Cats





Note all prices exclude GST.



We will again offer a discount for multiple registrations. Organisations registering three or more participants for a single workshop will receive a 15% discount on the total owing for that workshop.


As usual, morning and afternoon tea and lunches are included.


Participants on Book Blitz 1 and Video recordings will require a copy of Cataloging with AACR2 & MARC21: for Books, Electronic Resources, Sound Recordings, Videorecordings, and Serials, 2nd Edition, Chicago, ALA, 2004.


For more information on the required text or any of the workshops, please visit the TQM website


For enquiries or to register please contact Anne Newnham,