I’m so sorry, my computer had a weird and crazy moment with the link which meant it didn’t work in the email I previously sent. It does now work and take you to https://imsqualreview.wordpress.com/

so please do follow it and provide your comments.

Apologies for the mixup.




From: Kim Gutchlag
Sent: Friday, 4 July 2014 4:37 p.m.
To: 'jfrowan@auckland.ac.nz'
Cc: 'catsig@ecs.vuw.ac.nz'
Subject: Targeted review of Information Management and Services qualifications - your feedback is sought


Tçnâ koe â ki â koutou


I am writing this email to you in my capacity as the Chair of the Governance Group for the Targeted Review of Information Management and Services qualifications. This review is part of the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) review of all qualifications at levels 1-6 (i.e., up to but not including bachelors’ degrees).


The aim of this NZQA review is to reduce any duplication of qualifications and ensure the system is easy to understand, and also to ensure the qualifications meet the needs of the relevant sector.


Information and library studies qualifications, including those in records, archives and information management, are part of this review.


Eight qualifications have been drafted by industry sector representatives, based on a needs analysis. We are seeking your feedback on these draft qualifications.


It is important that you provide feedback as the new qualifications will supersede existing qualifications. In addition,  they will be national qualifications and any provider accredited by NZQA will be able to offer them.


Please follow this link to:

·         Background information about the process

·         The proposed qualifications

·         FAQs

·         The online survey for your feedback


The survey will be open from Friday 4 July to Friday 25th of July.


Thank you in anticipation.


Hei konâ mai i roto i ngâ mihi


Kim Gutchlag, on behalf of the Governance Group:

Amanda Cossham, Greg Morgan, Heather Lamond, Lulu Fordham, Lynley Stone, Miriam Tuohy, Patrick Power, Paula Smith