[Apologies for cross-posting]


Tçnâ koutou,


The new and changed headings from the Mahuru/September Te Whakakaokao/Mâori Subject Headings Working Group hui of 2018 are now available for use on the National Library website. As usual, files are also available for download to update copies in local systems.


We’d love some requests for new terms!

The next hui will be held in Hakihea/December 2018 and as always we'd like to hear any new suggestions you may have for the rôpû (group) to consider. It's a really easy process: if you're handling a collection item that is either in te reo Mâori or has content about Mâori, and you can't find an existing term in our thesaurus to suit your item, please email reo@dia.govt.nz with your suggestion and the details of what you were working on. Suggestions where you don't know a Mâori term are just fine.




Ngâ kaupapa hou / New terms


Ariâ pûoro – Music theory

Hôhipera -- Hospitals

Hôtaka (Ako) – Learning programmes

Hôtaka (Pâpâho) – Broadcast programmes

Hôtaka (Ratonga ki te iwi) – Social service programmes

Hunga mâtakitaki -- Audience

Kaihanga uku – Potters

Kaimâtakitaki -- Spectators

Kaitaki kôrero -- Broadcasters

Kaitito -- Composers

Kaiuiui -- Interviewers

Kaiwhakaputa -- Producers

Kaiwhakarongo -- Listeners

Kaiwhakautu uiui -- Interviewees

Kararehe kaikino – Animal pests

Koiora orotâ – Pest control

Kôpae – Media discs

Manu maunga – Mountain birds

Manu rohe maunga – Alpine birds

Mâtâtuhi -- Prints

Ngâ râ o te wiki – Days of the week

Pâhotanga hopu i mua – Prerecorded broadcasts

Pâhotanga mataora – Live broadcasts

Para -- Rubbish

Pîwauwau – Alpine rock wren

Pûhuruhurutanga -- Puberty

Pûkenga oro – Sound engineers

Pûoro whakaari – Dramatic musical works

Rakuraku -- Guitar

Raupapa – Series

Rçwana – Rçwana bread made with potato yeast

Rîpene whakaata – Video tapes

Rîpene whakarongo – Audio tapes

Rôpû pûoro – Musical groups

Te Ataarangi -- A Mâori language learning method developed by Katerina Te Heikôkô Mataira, which incorporates an immersion approach based around the use of râkau (Cuisenaire rods).

Tîpako -- Selections

Tira waiata – Vocal groups

Titonga tôpû – Scores (Musical)

Tukanga toi – Artistic process

Uku -- Ceramics

Wâhanga --  Episodes

Whakarâpopototanga -- Abstracts


Recent Changes


A number of new terms relating to the arts have been created. These include: Kaihanga uku (Potters), Uku (Pottery), Tâ tuhi (Prints), and Tukanga toi (Artistic process).


These are accompanied by a group of new terms relating to music and musicians, such as Ariâ pûoro (Music theory), Rôpû pûoro (Musical groups), Rakuraku (Guitar), Tira waiata (Vocal groups)  and Kaitito (Composers).


New terms have been created to describe different types of moving image and audio resources, including Rîpene whakaata (Videotapes), Rîpene whakarongo (Audio tapes), and Pâhotanga mataora (Live broadcasts).


Other new terms that will be useful when describing the form or genre of different kinds of resources include: Titonga tôpû (Scores), Whakarâpopototanga (Abstracts), and Pûoro whakaari  (Dramatic musical works).


The terms that describe the different kinds of programmes have been reworked and clarified, and the existing general term, Hôtaka, has been disestablished. There are now separate terms for learning programmes (Hôtaka (Ako)), broadcast programmes (Hôtaka (Pâpâho)), and social service programmes (Hôtaka (Ratonga ki te iwi)).


Some new terms have been created which will be applicable when describing resources in the area of environmental protection: Para (Rubblish), Koiora orotâ (Pest control), Kararehe kaikino (Animal pests).


A term has been created for Pîwauwau, the alpine rock wren, along with broader terms for alpine birds (Manu rohe maunga), and mountain birds (Manu maunga).


There is a now a term for puberty, Pûhuruhurutanga.



Nâ ngâ kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao