Tçnâ tâtou katoa


We are pleased to announce that Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku, the Mâori Subject Headings project has completed another upload of new kaupapa/terms. These terms came from the work of  Te Whakakaokao, the Mâori Subject Headings Working Group, at a hui held in Te Whanganui-a-Tara. There are 16 new terms that have been added to Ngâ Upoko Tukutuku and are ready for use in library catalogues, and a number of changed terms.


We welcome requests for new terms. Please don’t hesitate to send in requests, queries and suggestions to reo@dia.govt.nz  -  Te Whakakaokao would love to hear from you!



New terms – Âperira/Paengawhâwhâ/April 2017


1.       Hura kôhatu -- A contemporary ceremony to unveil the headstone

2.       Kairangahau – Researchers, Academics

3.       Mâhanga -- Twins

4.       Manawaroa -- Resilience

5.       Manu taratihi – Kites (Manu taratihi)

6.       Pukapuka mapi -- Atlases

7.       Rauemi matua – Primary sources

8.       Te maru koiora -- Biosecurity

9.       Uhi – Chisels, Tâ moko

10.   Waiata tamariki – Children’s songs

11.   Whakahoki – Repatriation

12.   Whakahoki koiwi -- Repatriation of human remains

13.   Whakahoki taonga -- Repatriation of taonga

14.   Whakahoki toi moko – Repatriation of toi moko

15.   Whao – All-purpose chisels

16.   Whare maire -- The house set apart for the instruction in sacred law, particularly mâkutu.



Recent Changes - Âperira/Paengawhâwhâ/April 2017


Some new form and genre terms have been created. These include: Pukapuka mapi (Atlases) and Rauemi matua (Primary sources). We now also have a term for Researchers (Kairangahau).


The terms relating to relationships have been revised and clarified. Tűhono is now a separate term that describes any form of relationship or connection, and Mârenatanga (Marriage) has been redefined as a narrower term of Tűhono.


A term has been added for resilience, Manawaroa.


New terms relating to repatriation and the return of cultural and physical remains have been created. These include Whakahoki, a general term for repatriation, Whakahoki koiwi  (Repatriation of human remains), Whakahoki taonga (Repatriation of taonga), and Whakahoki toi moko, which is used for the repatriation of toi moko.


We now have a term for biosecurity, Te maru koiora. This is used for measures that are taken to stop the spread or introduction of harmful organisms to human, animal and plant life.


Two new terms for chisels have been added. Whao is used to describe all-purpose chisels and Uhi is the term for chisels that are used for Tâ moko.


The scope of the term Kôkiri mana pôti (Suffrage movement) has been clarified.


If you have any questions, or potential terms you wish to suggest, please email reo@dia.govt.nz


Nâ ngâ kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao