Tena tatou katoa


We are pleased to announce that Nga Upoko Tukutuku, the Maori Subject Headings project has completed another upload of new kaupapa/terms. These terms came from the work of Te Whakakaokao, the Maori Subject Headings Working Group, at a hui held in September 2015. There are 23 new terms that have been added to Nga Upoko Tukutuku and are ready for use in library catalogues, and a number of changed terms.


Te Whakakaokao is delighted to have completed all outstanding requests as far as possible, and we welcome requests for new terms. Please don’t hesitate to send in requests, queries and suggestions to reo@dia.govt.nz  We would love to hear from you!


Nga kaupapa hou / New terms


·         Hangarua = Recycling

·         Haumaru huarahi = Road safety

·         Huke = Mining

·         Huringa âhuarangi = Climate change

·         Kohuke = Minerals

·         Kôhurutanga = Murder

·         Kôrero paki mâ te hunga taiohi = Young adult fiction

·         Kôrero pono mâ te hunga taiohi = Young adult nonfiction

·         Mânatunatu = Anxiety

·         Mâtua = Parents

·         Môkai (Tikanga) = Servants

·         Ngâ Pakanga Whenua o Mua = New Zealand Wars

·         Pôuri = Grief

·         Pűkatokato = Desolation

·         Pűmanawa tautono = Software applications

·         Rauemi-â-ipurangi = Online resources

·         Taiwhenua = Rural areas

·         Taurekareka = Slaves through capture

·         Te mahana haere o te ao = Global warming

·         Tinihanga = Trickery

·         Tohu putanga = Symptoms

·         Whakawhiti huarahi = Crossing roads

·         Whanonga = Behaviour



Te mahi whakahou / Changes to existing terms


·         The terms relating to literature for young people have been extended. Kôrero paki mâ te hunga taiohi can be used as a term for works of young adult fiction, while Kôrero pono mâ te hunga taiohi refers to young adult nonfiction.


·         Two new terms relating to technology have been added. Rauemi-â-ipurangi describes online resources in general, while Pűmanawa tautono refers to software applications, including mobile apps.


·         A number of terms relating to environmental issues have been added or clarified. Among these are Te mahana haere o te ao (global warming), Huringa âhuarangi (climate change), and Hangarua (recycling). Organic farming and organic gardening have been added as see references to Rongomatâne.


·         The terms relating to emotions have been extended. Pôuri refers to the grieving process,  Mânatunatu describes anxiety or worry, while Pűkatokato defines a state of being desolate, heart-broken, or overcome with grief.


·         The scope of Ringa kaha has been clarified to refer specifically to land conquest (including the Musket Wars). A new term, Ngâ Pakanga Whenua o Mua has been created to describe the New Zealand Wars.


·         The see references relating to Mâmâ (mothers) and Pâpâ (fathers) have been corrected. The new term Mâtua should now be used for parents and parenting.


·         The scope of Reo irirangi (Radio) has been extended to include radio stations.


·         The term Kôhurutanga (murder) has been added as a narrower term of Hara, which encompasses crimes and offences.


·         Two new terms have been added as narrower terms of Hinengaro, the pathway of thought. Whanonga describes behaviour or conduct, while Tinihanga can be used for hoaxes or trickery.



We apologise for the absence of macrons. It has not been possible to include these, for technical reasons relating to the email client.


If you have any questions, or potential terms you want to suggest, please email reo@dia.govt.nz<mailto:reo@dia.govt.nz>.


Na nga kaimahi o Te Whakakaokao