Some interesting stats about usage of MARC fields in OCLC – FYI






Ksenija Obradovic, ALIANZA

Cataloguing Manager

The University of Auckland Library | Te Tumu Herenga

Private Bag 92019, Auckland 1142, NEW ZEALAND

Telephone (649) 373-7599, ext 85797


E-books in Academic Libraries




From: Smith-Yoshimura,Karen []
Sent: Tuesday, 5 February 2013 10:32 a.m.
Subject: MetaMan IG: FYI - New OCLC Research Prototype: MARC Usage in WorldCat


Dear OCLC Research Library Partners Metadata Management Interest Group –


For those of you who are not on the OCLCRLP Systems Discussion List, I thought you might be interested in this summary from the OCLC Research Library Partnership Heads of Systems meeting held on 28 January 2013 in Seattle:


Roy demonstrated a prototype OCLC Research service that exposes how MARC has been used by providing summary reports on WorldCat data. The goal of this temporary project (it will run during 2013) is to support the work of the Library of Congress, OCLC, and others in determining what the future of bibliographic description will hold. It is now available at <> and any feedback or requests for specific reports are welcome.

Any of you eager to know just how often a MARC field or subfield occurs in WorldCat? Check it out!


-       Karen