Good afternoon New Zealand cataloguers,


This was posted to the AutoCat list last week and as it’s so very useful, I thought I’d repost it in case you missed it.





Date:    Mon, 30 Nov 2015 01:32:29 +0000

From:    Cathy Lamoureaux <cjbrl2@YAHOO.COM>

Subject: LCGFT Literature Headings


Hi, all,


Now that the Library of Congress has completed authorizing all of the headings initially proposed as part of the LCGFT Literature Project, catalogers at my library are beginning to use the new headings wherever possible in place of GSAFD headings and repurposed LCSH literature headings (i.e., headings coded “655 _0”).


In order to facilitate the transition to the new LCGFT headings, I have prepared an Excel file for local staff which I think other libraries might find useful as well.  The file is available via OneDrive at the following address for anyone who has an interest:


The file consists of the following four sheets, accessible via the tabs shown at bottom of the screen:


•        Alphabetical by Heading -- Lists all available LCGFT literature headings in alphabetical order by heading.  A category (e.g., drama, fiction, poetry, etc.) is included for each heading and clicking on a heading name causes a brief scope note to display (Note: the scope notes, taken from authority record 680 fields and/or locally devised, are only visible after you save the file to your computer).


•        Alphabetical by Category -- Lists all available LCGFT literature headings in alphabetical order by category (e.g., drama, fiction, poetry, etc.).  Clicking on a heading name causes a brief scope note to display (Note: the scope notes, taken from authority record 680 fields and/or locally devised, are only visible after you save the file to your computer).


•        GSAFD to LCGFT -- Lists all GSAFD headings, including both literature and moving image and radio headings, with their corresponding LCGFT headings.  If the GSAFD heading and the LCGFT heading are worded exactly the same, the LCGFT heading has a green background.   If the GSAFD heading and the LCGFT heading are worded differently, the LCGFT heading has a yellow background.  If the GSAFD heading does not have a corresponding LCGFT heading, the LCGFT column has a red background and, in some cases, locally developed coding instructions are provided.


•        LCSH to LCGFT -- Lists LCSH headings that have often been repurposed as literature genre/form headings along with their corresponding LCGFT headings.  If the LCSH heading and the LCGFT heading are worded exactly the same, the LCGFT heading has a green background.   If the LCSH heading and the LCGFT heading are worded differently, the LCGFT heading has a yellow background.  If an LCSH heading does not have a corresponding LCGFT heading, the LCGFT column has a red background.






Cathy Lamoureaux


Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh

(412) 920-4529









Anoushka McGuire | Team Leader, Cataloguing Team 1

National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mâtauranga o Aotearoa

Direct Dial: +64 4 470 4524 |


The National Library of New Zealand is part of the Department of Internal Affairs